License Installation & Issues

I'm getting an error message about a Alladin / HASP Sentinel driver. What's wrong?

The driver for the USB keys used to license AMT applications may be out of date. The USB license key supplier publishes regular driver updates to adapt to new and updated releases of the Windows operating system.

First let's make sure you have the latest version of the driver.

In the bin\ folder where your AMT application software is installed (e.g. C:\Program Files\AMT Software\Prospector\Bin), check the version of the file haspdinst.exe by selecting the file in Explorer, right click and choose Properties.  Click in the Details tab in the Properties dialog.  The latest version is:


If your version is older, download and update the driver:

Click this link to download the latest driver.

1. Extract the program haspdinst.exe from the zip file.

2. Login locally to the problem computer as Administrator.

3. Unplug the Sentinel HASP USB key from the computer.

4. In a command prompt window, run the program twice.

The first time with the command line options -kp -purge. This will remove any older version of the driver currently installed.

Run the program a second time with the -i -ld option to install the new driver:

Hasp Install

5. Reboot the computer.

6. Connect the USB key and run the License Manager application to confirm that the computer recognizes the key and licenses on the it.


After installing the software, it still doesn't recognize the presence of the USB dongle. What now?

First try a simple fix. Plug the USB key into a different USB port on the computer because it may be the port on the computer is not functioning correctly.

If you have another computer that is running correctly with a USB key, try the key you are having problems on the functioning computer (e.g. swap the keys) and see if the software runs. If it still doesn't work, that points to a problem with the USB key itself. Contact AMT Software support for assistance.

The software doesn't recognize the license we have. Why?

A log file named AMT-License.log is generated in your temporary directory when the application starts. e.g.
         C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Temp\AMT-License.log
This file will be useful in solving simple issues such as a USB key not being plugged into a USB port. The software support staff will want you to e-mail them this file if you need further assistance to get the licensing software to function properly.

Installation and licensing is still not working for me. What else can I try?

Login as Administrator to the problematic computer. Temporarily disable anti-virus software that you have running on the computer. Some anti-virus software applications are particularly aggressive and will defeat attempts to make system changes such as writing changes to the Windows registry and/or installation of necessary drivers. With the anti-virus software disabled, install your application software. Remember to restart the anti-virus software after installation.

After installing the 2014 release, I can't run the older 2013 release without getting a license error. How do I fix this?

The 2014 installation creates an empty directory: C:\ProgramData\AMT Software\ExpertCAD\License for FLEXnet client license files. Versions prior to 2014 see this empty directory and assumes that you are using floating licenses even though you are not. The solution to the problem is to delete this License directory.

How do I install and configure a server for floating licenses?

Download the AMT Floating License Server setup software here. Unzip the file then as Administrator, run the .exe install program to install the software on the floating license server computer. Follow the directions in the server setup documentation you'll find here to complete the process.

I'm supposed to have an iLicense (internet license) for my computer but the software says there is no license. What should I check?

Run the License Manager application from your software's program group and switch to the iLicense tab. See if it shows an iLicense for the computer:

License Manager

If there are no licenses shown, this means that the license database has no record of that host ID having a license. If your license has expired, the the license manager application will report the fact that it is no longer valid. If you see a valid license in the license manager application, change directory to your Windows temp directory. In your temp directory will be a file named AMT-InetLicense.log. E-mail this file as an attachment to so we can debug the problem.